Host and manage objects and combinations for mechanical engineering processes and tasks. Control various tools for structure generation and adjustment. The suite supports dynamic analysis algorithms along with section checking for steel and concrete structures.
LIRA is a modern software package for analysis and design of building and mechanical engineering structures of different purposes. Static (forces and displacements) and dynamic analyses are available.
The program enables the user to select and check sections of steel and (or) reinforced concrete structures. Preliminary drawings of steel structures as well as separate reinforced concrete elements may be presented.
LIRA includes the following main features:
− user-friendly graphical interface;
− a set of multifunctional solvers;
− extensive library of finite elements that enables the user to create computer models of almost any structures: 2D/3D bar models, shells, slabs, wall-beams, solids, membranes, tent structures. It also allows you to create combined systems that consist of different finite elements (slabs and shells supported with ribs, cased frame systems, slabs on elastic foundation and the like);
− dynamic analysis of the structure (earthquake, wind with pulsation, vibration, impulse, impact, response spectrum);
− analysis on wind loads with account of pulsation and earthquake loads according to building codes of CIS, Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA;
− modules for analysis and design of reinforced concrete (RC) and steel elements in accordance with building codes of CIS, Europe and the USA;
− steel tables of CIS, France, Germany, and the USA, as well as user-defined steel databases to add customized sections or steel libraries;
− interface with other graphic and documentary systems (AutoCAD, Allplan, Stark, ArchiCAD, MS Word, HyperSteel, AdvanceSteel, Bocad, Revit, etc.) through a *.DXF, *.MDB and *.IFC files;
− comprehensive help and documentary systems;
− Russian/English languages for interface and/or documents;
− various systems of measurement units.